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Employee Wellness Services

Like the pebble that is cast in the pond, we rarely see, nor are aware of how far the ripple effect will expand.


At the heart of just about any work related problem is a dysfunctional relationship. Dysfunctional because one or both parties are unable to effectively communicate or resolve the problem at hand. The picture becomes more complicated when the boundaries between work and home life become blurred.

It is often very difficult for employees to separate work and home life with the respective issues.

Dysfunctional Relationships make for Unproductive employees

With this framework in mind, FAMSA has been able to add exceptional value to any Employee Wellness Program under the FAMtrac banner.  Our  core business is relationships.


In all that we do, it comes down to a few simple principles that add immense value to the work place.  We enable people to:

  • Listen

  • Understand

  • Resolve Conflict

How can we assist your Team?

Counselling & Support

A company’s employees are their most valuable asset. Unhappy employees however can also be your greatest liability. All individuals will at some point face a situation that will overwhelm their normal coping mechanisms. Counselling is an effective way to support the individual to gain perspective and once again feel in control. Our counsellors are able to support your employees to return to their full potential.


Ad-hoc Counselling:

With ad-hoc counselling you can make use of our services as-and-when you need to. Your organisation will be invoiced for sessions that your employees used for the month.

  • We offer Individual and Group counselling to your team.

  • Counselling can be arranged at one of our offices, the site where your employee works or online.

  • A professional counsellor will be assigned to the employee/s.

  • Counselling can be arranged for various issues such as trauma, relationship issues (personal, family or work related), bereavement, etc.

  • You will receive a short Feedback Report after the session with any further recommendations from the counsellor.

  • Sessions are booked one-at-a-time and follow-up sessions approved individually by your Human Resource/Managing team.

  • The standard counselling rate is charged according to the counselling service.


Sessional block Counselling:

For some organisations it makes more sense to have someone available on site at a specific day and time. With blocked counselling we will send a counsellor to your site at a specific day and for a period of four-hours or more at a time.

  • This service is usually beneficial to larger organisations with many employees.

  • Counselling can be done at the organisation’s site or online.

  • A professional counsellor will be assigned for the agreed upon days and times.

  • Counselling can be arranged for various issues such as trauma, relationship issues (personal, family or work related), bereavement, etc.

  • A Feedback Report may be requested but will not be issued without request as follow-up sessions do not need approval.

  • This might be of benefit for organisations who need ongoing support for their team.


Feedback reports of counselling completed will be given in a summary format. No lengthy clinical reports will be given unless with the written permission of the client. Additional reporting is billed accordingly.

Trauma Debriefing, Support & Counselling

Trauma is an unfortunate reality of living in our society.

Violence and other social upheavals are daily occurrences in our society, for example, being held hostage in an armed robbery, hijacking, sudden unexpected death, an accident, but to name only a few. When individuals or groups experience such an event, they are often traumatized. Trauma can have debilitating effects on the victim, which can impact negatively on productivity along with all other areas of their life. It is imperative to address trauma as soon as possible in order to minimise the long term effects on the individual and those around her/him.


FAMSA counsellors are experienced in working with trauma and helping the individual/group find ways of dealing with the effects of trauma and moving forward.



Let us help your employees take their life back.

Robberies and hi-jacking are an all-too-familiar fear for any business owner, manager and employee. Trauma can have a devastating effect on the productivity of any business.


We understand that experiencing a traumatic event can affect the performance of employees and employers alike. We know that as a caring employer you want your employees to be the best they can be. We can assist you and your business in helping to bring about healing for you and your employees after a traumatic event.


Trauma Debriefing can be done at your company or at one of our offices.

Wellness Talks & Wellness Days

Wellness Talks

We offer informational talks on various mental health topics. Talks can be done online or on-site. We aim to provide talks according to your organisation’s specific needs. You can contact us directly to discuss topics that suit your organisational needs.


Some topics that are regularly requested:

  • Stress management: Stress is an all-too-familiar condition, which we tend to overlook whilst trying to make the most of our lives. However, it is vital not to overlook this ticking time bomb...

  • Domestic violence awareness: The normalization of violence in South Africa has contributed to a culture of violence which has an immense impact on families and the community. However, it also has a secondary effect on the workplace and ultimately productivity.

  • Relationship enrichment: Relationships encompass so much more than the family setting, but extend to all areas of our lives, including relationships in the workplace. Relationships are so central in our lives that it is worthwhile to strengthen and invest in them.

  • Sexual Harrassment


All talks can be adapted to the employer’s needs.


Please contact us for more topics.


Wellness Days

For more information regarding Wellness Days, please call our Employee Wellness/Training Department 021 447 7951 or email

Staff Development & Training

We offer a wide range of courses and workshops to upskill Human Resource Practitioners, Employee Wellness Officers and Management to identify, contain and refer staff in need.


Courses include:

  • Basic Counselling Skills

  • Bringing About Healing in a Traumatised Society

  • Working with Trauma

  • Stress Management

  • Conflict Management

  • Ad-hoc workshops can be arranged according to your organisation’s needs.


Facilitation of courses and workshops can be done at our training centre in Observatory Cape Town, on-site at your organisation or online (depending on the course/workshop). Speak to us about what we can offer your staff.



Our Partners

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