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Professional Information Sessions

About Professional Information Sessions

FAMSA's Professional Information Sessions are held quarterly February to November.  These sessions will each have a different topic and speaker and are aimed at professionals.


Facilitation will take place via Zoom. 


Fees: R330 per person per session


Time: 09:00-12:30


Venue: online meeting - Zoom




2023 Sessions

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Addiction and Family Support

18 May 2023

During her presentation in May Celeste Swanepoel will focus on some aspects of the model to empower the attendees to understand the family of the addict and their specific struggles.  She will also provide information on co-dependency and enabling as this is always present in families where there is an addicted family member.  The stages of change model forms part of this discussion which is an excellent tool to help families understand how to move their loved one towards change.  Family intervention as a tool to confront the addicted family member will be discussed and a relapse prevention plan for implementation after the family member has been discharged from relapse will also be discussed during the presentation.


CPD: 2 points for Social Workers



Protocols, Ethics and Practice Issues of working therapeutically with children and their Parents

17 August 2023

The presentation will be interactive with opportunity for participation and break away groups. Use will be made of case studies and experience from practice. Examples of client contracts will be shared. Reference will be made to theoretical frameworks for interventions, however this workshop focuses on the practice issues rather than the theoretical framework of working with children.


CPD: 2 points for Social Workers




UNDER ONE ROOF: How domestic violence affects attachment in children and infants, and the implications for therapeutic work with these children.

16 November 2023

Children from homes where domestic violence is common, are rarely referred for therapeutic help in South Africa. The services available for focusing on the child, at women’s shelters, are minimal compared to the need.

This presentation aims to share insights from research and experience, about children suffering from living with domestic violence.

The aim is to empower every helping professional to approach the child they meet, empathically and appropriately, when meeting the parent/ child dyad, or the child alone.  


CPD: 2 points for Social Workers




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